OpenScope Program


The UMBC Observatory OpenScope Program aims to make normal use of the research-grade facility understandable and accessible to all interested community members. Overseen by the Engineering Team is the subset of UMBC Observatory Staff who are trained to use the telescope, called “Telescope Operators” or “Operators.” On clear nights, Operators control aspects of facility based on standards of use set by the Engineering Team to collect data required by projects of the Research Team. Every-so-often, Operators make the call for an “OpenScope” night. During these nights, any member of the campus community and beyond are invited to join the Operators in the facility to see how everything works “in action.” While members of the public may not control aspects of the facility without staff supervision, Operators are present to answer questions about anything that’s going on.

Be sure to sign-up for the OpenScope Email List by following the instructions on the Communication page.


Stay tuned for images from our first event!

Author: Roy
Editor: Elammen
Date: 20240826